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English Speaking in Pau

Proposée par Miklat64
La cité des pyrénées
Date et lieu
La sortie s'est déroulée à
PAU (64000),

le Lundi 02 décembre 2013 à 19:15.

Participer à cette sortie

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C'est gratuit, et c'est sans pub !

C'est bon esprit quoi... !

Avec AmieZ, on va se rencontrer... !
Sortir sur PAU (64000)

Sortir en Pyrénées Atlantiques

DescriptionIf you speak English, join us and attend one meeting of the English speaking club: ''BEARN TOASTMASTERS CLUB''.

Cité des Pyrénées,
29bis rue Berlioz,
64000 PAU

The room is at the first floor.
If the main entrance door is closed, press the ''SALLE HECTOR'' button on the intercom.

The meeting begins at 19h15 until 21h30.

You will only listen English during the meeting, as the speeches are all delivered in English. If you want to participate, perhaps you may try an impromptu speech .

As all TOASTMASTERS Clubs there is a structured program for each meeting, but there will be pauses to give you the opportunity to converse and exchange in English with other people.

There is the website link if you wish more information about our club:

There is the website link if you wish more information about Toastmasters:

You will meet our club members, so there will not be only Amiez people.


Ils étaient 2 participants

[La liste des personnes ayant participé à la sortie n'est visible que des personnes inscrites]

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